Saturday, May 19, 2007

the market has begun

Today was the first of many farmer's markets. Paul and I started baking at 1am this morning, and actually got to the market with lots of time to spare. After baking for most of the night, the market is a very satisfying way to end the work day. So many people so eager to take home a bit (or a lot) of what we worked so hard on. Not that it all makes it all the way home. Even the sun came out for our first market. Back to cleaning up posts tomorrow. I wonder what the neighbours would say if I got up at 1am and fired up the chainsaw?


Anonymous said...

i just hid the gas can!

your closest neighbor

Dimitri said...

i have my own :)

Anonymous said...

THe gas can is hidden??...Are you guys "cooking with gas" for your new oven?

Dimitri said...

we sure are. one jerry can per day. very easy to light. just put the can in the oven, throw in a match, and try to close the door as quick as possible.